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Give six reasons why Christian should not result to strike action as a way of preventing grievances


Give six reasons why Christian should not result to strike action as a way of
preventing grievances



i) It may lead to the expulsion/termination of the inciter and culprits from schools /jobs this may
mean loss of education and hence complete ruin of one’s future .
ii) It may be very expensive to parents, since school may levy a charge to all parents, for damages
caused before students can be readmitted in the school.
iii) It may also lead to injuries among students if the situation degenerates to riots.
iv) It leads to loss of study time, because the guilty students may be suspended while others go on
with learning.
v) It may lead to poor academic results because of the time lost.
vi) It leads to mistrust teachers and student may not maintain the friendly rapport they may have
shared before and this is not conducive to learning `
vii) Injuries or death when confrontation takes place between the police and the strikes in an
attempt to restore order.
gideon1 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 05:37

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