Describe the Christian’s criteria for evaluating the use of leisure.
1) Christians, should engage in leisure activities which promote their respect and dignity they
should socialize with people who are morally upright (bad company corrupts good morals)
2) God ordains leisure hence it should serve God’s purpose.
3) Leisure should come after work
4) Leisure should be used for the good of others. The activities that are harmful to others
should be avoided
5) Activities chosen should enrich their knowledge of God
6) Activities should provide service to others
7) Leisure doesn’t mean laziness
8) A Christian should not engage in a harmful activity to self but those that promote respect
and dignity
9) Christians to avoid activities that lead to sin or to addiction
10) They should perform an activity which develop their physical emotional social and spiritual
well being
11) Leisure should be enjoyed with moderation
12) Activities for leisure should be moral, within the laws of God and pleasing to good.
i. leisure activities that enriches their knowledge in God/spiritual development
ii. Leisure activities that provide service for other /charitable
iii. Leisure activities that does not lead to addiction
iv. Leisure activities that are not harmful to one’s self and others
v. Activities that develop a wholesome/ all round person
vi. Activities that promotes self respect/purity of thought/not corrupt
vii. Activities that doesn’t lead to regrets in life
viii. Activities that allows one to rest and relax to regain lost energy
ix. Activities that doesn’t go against the laws of the country.
gideon1 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 05:39
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