State four physical requirements for maize growing.


State four physical requirements for maize growing.



-Gentle sloping or undulating plains and plateaus.
-Deep, well drained, nitrogenous soils.
-Day temperatures of between 180c to 300c and night temperatures between 100c to 300 c.
-Altitude between 1800m and 2900m above sea level.
-Rainfall between 300mm in dry areas and 1800mm in wet areas. (ii)Explain three problems facing
maize growing in Kenya.(6mks)
-Farm inputs are expensive and therefore farmers to sell their afford them.
-Inadequate storage facilities forcing farmers to sell their maize at a throw away price.
-Price fluctuation which lowers farmers morale.
-Pests e.g corn earthworm and stock borers and diseases e.g while leaf blight reduce yields.
-Adverse weather conditions which lead to reduce maize yields.
monica20 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 08:03

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