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Explain four problems associated with wildlife in Kenya


Explain four problems associated with wildlife in Kenya



-Human-animal conflict-people are attacked loading to death and destruction of property.
-Zoonetic diseases from wild animals cause death and high cost of treatment.
-Destruction of property and vegetation by animals such as elephants.
-Tourists attacked by wildlife transmit diseases such as HIV and leads to cultural erosion.
-Poaching leads to extinction of endangered species. (ii)State five uses of wildlife.(5mks)
-Medicinal value.
-Fuel such as wood fuel.
-As food/game meat, fruits and tubers.
-Aesthetic value/beauty.
-Wood for construction.
-Conservation of catchment areas.
-Purify the atmosphere.
-Research and educational use.
monica20 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 08:09

Next: Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of wildlife in East Africa. (i)Climate (ii)Drainage (iii)Human activities.
Previous: Define the term fishing.

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