Explain how the following factors influence fishing. (i) Presence of ocean currents. (ii) Nature of the coastline.


Explain how the following factors influence fishing.
(i) Presence of ocean currents.
(ii) Nature of the coastline.



?Areas covered by warm ocean currents e.g. Benguela current in Africa.
?Cold current have conducive temperature for the growth of planktons which inturn encourage
the flourishing of fish.
(ii)Nature of the coastline
?Deep coast line with wider continental shelves encourage the growth of planktons and thus large
fish population.
?Combine sheltered from strong winds and ocean currents have much fish.
?Indented coastline encourage deep sea fishing since they allow the anchorage of large vessels
and development of ports.
monica20 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 08:54

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