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Explain the various forms of government in the world


Explain the various forms of government in the world.



i)Democratic: this type of government requires the rulers to regularly seek public mandate through popular vote. These governments are based on the promise that elections are free and fair and that the elected officials represent the wishes and aspiration of the people.
Abraham Lincoln said democracy is government of the people, for the people and by the people’’. In a democratic government, freedoms and rights are provided for in the constitution that governs the law of the nation. It is there freedoms that enable discussions and debate on matters of national importance.
ii)Aristocratic, etymology:
Greek words `aristos’ meaning best and `kratos’ meaning power. Therefore, it’s a type of government in which a group of people from the highest social class that is the loyalty, in a society rule over others. The king or queen is the head of the government while senior positions in the government are given to the privileged members from among the nobles who are considered superior because of the wealthy family background they are born into and their superior education.
Is a form of government where democracy is practised but aristocratic power is respected.
Parliament is the supreme organ but the monarchy-the royalty that are in power- be it a king or queen is retained as traditional and respected as head of state.
a)absolute monarchy- refers to the unrestricted power of the head of state. The monarchy is dictatorial.
b)Constitutional monarchy- restricted monarchical power is determined by what is spelt out in the constitution E.G Britain and Lesotho.
Is a system of government where the ruler has total powers over his subjects. Dictators are the sole authority where they rule. They make law and execute justice; they exercise their rule forcefully, suppressing their subjects at will. They curtail the freedom of the subjects
johnmulu answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 09:11

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