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Using examples, explain the criteria that is used in naming African children


Using examples, explain the criteria that is used in naming African children



1. Naming after famous people - eg politicians like Uhuru, Obama
2. Naming after dead relatives - children are given the names of their relatives who died.
3. Seasons- children were also named according to the seasons which they are born. eg mumbua, Akoth for rainy season.
4. Time of the day - children are given names according to the time of day they are born e.g mutuku for one born at night.
5. Experiences of the pregnancy- children can be given names according to the experiences that the mother goes through during pregnancy. eg Muthina- meaning problems
6. Place of birth- a child can be named on the basis of the place where he/she is born. eg. wanjira-who is born on the way
joseph kieti answered the question on November 16, 2017 at 16:12

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