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Identify five reasons why Nabongo Mumia led the Wanga in collaborating with the British.


Identify five reasons why Nabongo Mumia led the Wanga in collaborating with the British.



(i). He wanted the British to help him consolidate his position and that of his kingdom.
(ii). He wanted the British to appoint him as paramount chief of the entire western Kenya region.
(iii). He wanted to get military support from the British against his enemies like the Luo and
(iv). He hoped to get material benefits from the British e.g. western education. (v). He wanted to
gain fame and prestige by associating with the British.
(vi). The Wanga community was small and ill equipped to resist the British.
(vii). He realized the futility of resisting the British after seeing Bukusu being defeated.
joyce2 answered the question on November 4, 2017 at 10:13

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