-The bride represents the church and the bridegroom is Christ.
-The church is supposed to be committed to Christ just as the bride is committed to his husband from love.
-The church should be spiritually united as one just as a groom and bride become one in marriage.
-The bride groom and bride relationship is based on faithfulness.
-John had a vision of the holy city of Jerusalem which is the church dressed like a bride ready for marriage.
- Paul urges Christian church to remain pure and holy through love and faith i.e the church which is united in Christ should be pure and holy. -Jesus will come to save His bride, i.e the church to a new home which in heaven as the bride is taken to a new home.
-Jesus the church bride will then live happily even after in the presence of God just like a bride to her bridegroom live in happiness after the wedding. -Those who are cowardly, unbelieving, murderours, sexually immoral, idolaters and all liars will not inherit God’s kingdom.
-Those who are not united for Christ will all suffer eternally.
lydiajane74 answered the question on November 6, 2017 at 06:48
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