Why is it important to study Government?
a) It helps us to appreciate the importance of government.
b) Helps us understand how laws are made and enforced
c) Helps us understand the organs of the state and the powers vested in them
d) Helps us understand how government raises and spends revenue.
e) Helps us compare our government system with other systems of government in other
f) Understand how development policies are formulated and implemented.
g) It makes us know our roles as citizens and the roles of the leaders who govern us. This makes
better law-abiding citizens.
h) Its study helps us understand our responsibilities as well as the limitations within which e
must operate for the well-being of every member of the society.
i) It helps us appreciate the constitution and the process of making and reviewing laws and
j) It influences career choices. For example, those who choose to specialize in public
administration will find the study of government very useful.
lydiajane74 answered the question on November 6, 2017 at 07:32
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