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State five reasons that led to the failure of Chimurenga war (1886 -1887)against the British Rule in Zimbabwe.


State five reasons that led to the failure of Chimurenga war (1886 -1887)
against the British Rule in Zimbabwe.



-Disunity among Africans.
-The British used superior weapons.
-The British received reinforcement from Botswana and South Africa.
-The arrest and execution of their leaders demoralized the people making them to give up.
-The strong religious beliefs in the Mwari cult worked against the people. It proved futile as their leaders were killed.
-The determination of Rhodes to supress the resistance and establish effective occupation influenced him to negotiate for peace with the Ndebele Indunas ending the war with Ndebele in 1896
steve williams answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 09:13

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