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Discuss the effects of the First World War


Discuss the effects of the First World War



1.The war boosted research in technology.Means of transport and communication were improved.

2.The first world war led to the downfall of: Germany, Turkey, Austria Hungary and Russia.

3.First world war changed economical balance of the world as USA became a leading power leaving European countries in a big debt of war reparations.

4.Germany economy was highly affected because it was to pay for war reparations because it was declared to be the cause of the war.

5.Through the Versailles treaty Germany was harshly affected because its size was to be reduced by an 1/8 which made its population to decrease.

6.First world war led to massive killing of many people and properties were destroyed.
steve williams answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 09:29

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