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What were the effects of the cold war on international relations?


What were the effects of the cold war on international relations?



-It undermined international peace and security.
-It led to the developments in science and technology.
-It led to the spread of capitalist and communist ideologies.
-It led to the formation of economic and military alliances like COMECON and NATO, marshal plan and war saw pact.
-The cold war led to formation of NAM a neutral policy approach.
-In reaction to power bloc rivalry the developed nations forged the Afro –Asian to exert their influence in the UN.
-The hostility between the powers led to a series of crisis. the Korean and Vietnam wars.
-It created mistrust and suscipicion dividing the world into two blocs.
-It led to the division of some states . Germany (East and West Germany) Korea (South and North Korea).
Led to the rise of dictators. Bakassa, Mobutu, and Idi Amin Dada.
steve williams answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 09:35

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