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What were the effects of early Agriculture in Egypt?


What were the effects of early Agriculture in Egypt?



a) Due to improved farming, there was increased food production thus ensuring regular food
b) There was Growth in population as food supply increased and became regular.
c) Agriculture led to permanent settlement of people. As a result, their living standards improved
dramatically as they reaped from farming.
d) Agriculture promoted trade among the Egyptians. It led to production of surplus food that in
turn was used to increase trading activities.
e) Agriculture Led to rise of urban centres or towns in Egypt such as Memphis’s akhetan, Aswan
and Thebes along the Nile valley.
f) Agriculture enabled some society members to specialize in other activities since a few could
now produce enough food for all. Some engaged in hand crafts, geometry etc.
g) Agriculture Led to emergence of government and related governing laws.
h) Like the case of Mesopotamia, it led to the discovery of arithmetic, geometry, writing and
calendar. These were used by the priests to keep records and make accurate prediction of annual
foods. The Egyptian calendar is believed to be the earliest calendar in the world.
i) It promoted social stratification or classes in Egyptian society
monica20 answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 10:42

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