a)Fossil records-The discovery of fossils(remains of dead plants and animals)that exhibit gradual increase in complexity of the structures suggests the occurence of evolution.
b)Geographical distribution of organisms-The continental drift theory explains the formation of several continents from a single land mass.The presence of organisms from the same family in the different continents supports evolution.An example is the cat family(cheetah,leopard, tiger,jaguar)all situated in different continents.
c)Cell Biology-This is the study of cell components of various organisms.Presence of similar organelles in the cells indicate a closer evolutionary relationship.
Comparative Embryology-This is the comparison of the embryonic stages of various organisms.Similarity in structure suggests a common ancestral origin.
d)Comparative anatomy-Study of various anatomical structures of different organisms shows similarity,for example the backbone in all verterbrates.This suggests a common ancestry among the organisms.
e)Comparative serology-Serum is blood plasma from which fibrinogen and cells have been removed.The study of the reactions between serum obtained from two different organisms shows their morphological relationship. The greater the precipitate formed,the closer their evolutionary relationship.
Chiry answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 17:24
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(iii) Golgi apparatus
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