Explain FIVE terms of Berlin Act in the colonization of Africa.


Explain FIVE terms of Berlin Act in the colonization of Africa.



-That any state laying claim to any part of Africa must inform other interested parties.
-These claims must be discussed and ratified if they are justifiable which would help avoid future
rivalry and conflicts.
-All signatories must declare their “sphere of influence” – an area under each nation’s occupation.
This led to the drawing of borders on a map in Berlin.
-That once an area is declared a” sphere of influence “effective occupation must be established in
the area. This would ensure that the area is protected and free trade guaranteed.
-That any power acquiring territory in Africa must undertake to stamp out slave trade and
safeguard African interests.
-That the River Congo and River Niger basins are to be left free for any interested power to
navigate. The powers also recognized Leopold’s claims over the Congo Free State.
-That if a European power claims a certain part of the African Coast, the land in the interior /behind
that coastal possession becomes a sphere of influence of the claimant.
-That any country that wishes to declare a protectorate in Africa has to show that its authority in
the region is firm enough to protect existing European rights and guarantee free trade.
gideon1 answered the question on November 8, 2017 at 16:58

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