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List and explain the factors affecting rooting of cutting


List and explain factors that promote rooting of cuttings in crop propagation.



a. temperature – warm temperatures are required –cool temperature are important for aerial part of the
cutting. The day temperature being 22-27°C and night temperature 15-21° C
b. relative humidity- high humidity is which lower the transpiration rate – it increases and maintain
leaf turgidity all the time – cutting should be rooted in green houses or under the shaddy condition-
or even sprayed with water to keep it moist
c. light intensity- high intensity is required to produce roots since light affect the rate of
photosynthesis. Hardwood cutting do well in dark. Since they have amount of stored carbohydrate and
therefore rooting is excellent in darkness
d. oxygen supply – medium must be well aerated.
e. chemical treatment – these are hormone that promote the production of roots in cutting such as
indoleacetic acid (IAA) indoleacetic (IBA) and (NAA) Naphthaleneacetic acid
f. leaf area – softwood required a lot of leaves for photosynthesis while hardwood - produce roots
better than without leaves.

joseph rimiru answered the question on November 8, 2017 at 18:39

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