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Relate the healing of centurion’s servant LK 7:1-10.


Relate the healing of centurion’s servant LK 7:1-10.



i. A centurion was a Roman army officer who was in charge of a hundred soldiers
ii. This centurion was working under Herod Antipas.
iii. His servant who was very dear to him got very sick.
iv. The centurion was a person who commanded a lot of respect.
v. He sent Jewish leaders to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant
vi. Jesus consented to his request
vii. The centurion told Jesus that he (Jesus) was so great to his house and said that he the
(centurion) commands and it’s done similarly let Jesus command and the servant will be healed.
viii. Jesus spoke and the servant was healed.
ix. Jesus was very pleased by the centurion’s faith.
gideon1 answered the question on November 9, 2017 at 08:52

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