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Explain the factors that influence land rents


Explain the factors that influence land rents



-The quality of the land in terms of soil type and its fertility where high quality land tend to have more rental rents than low quality land.
-Accessibility of the land in terms of its road access, mainly the land near the roads have higher rentals as compared to the poorly accessible land far away from the roads or other means of transportation.
-personal factors from landlords where some places high values due to the care taken to specific lands while others places the land values at very low prices as no care has been done to them.
-The location of the land also determines the land rents where land parcels located near large agricultural farms tend to have higher land rents as compared to the ones away from the agricultural farms.
-The size of the land parcel in that the larger the land parcel the higher the land rents and the vice-versa is also true.
-The contract length and payment of the land this determine the price of the land where landlords put fixed income with fixed years with accounting for the crop yields or crop prices thus bringing difference in land rents in different landlords.
franco crick answered the question on March 7, 2018 at 17:55

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