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Your friend who stays in Thika has sent you an e-mail informing you that he has a party at home to celebrate the home coming...


Your friend who stays in Thika has sent you an e-mail informing you that he has a party at home to celebrate the home coming of his sister, who has been studying overseas for five years. He has requested you to send him a recipe for a meal that he can prepare for his six guests. Reply to the e-mail with the recipe for your friend’s guests.



- A short email (Reply)
- A recipe
1)a Email
Sender address. Magy@ (1mk)
Recipients address. Micke @ (1mark)
Date ½ mark
Subject. Recipe of....................... (Whatever dish) (1 mark)
Solution – appropriate (½ mark)
Body – Greetings /Welfare/Something about the fish (3 marks)
Valediction + name of sender (1 mark)
Total – 8 marks
Body – Brief description of meal and its nutritional value.
b). Recipe
Title - ½ mark
Ingredients - ½ mark
Method - ½ mark
No. of people
lydiajane74 answered the question on November 9, 2017 at 13:31

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