The Novel Witi Ihimaera, The whale Rider From Witi Ihimaera’s novel “The Whale Rider”, it is clear that certain stereotypes about women are quite unnecessary....


The Novel Witi Ihimaera, The whale Rider From Witi Ihimaera’s novel “The Whale Rider”, it is clear that certain stereotypes about women are quite unnecessary. Using illustrations from the Novel, write an essay in favour of this statement.



Witi Ihimacra. The Whale Rider.
The society in Ihimacra’s novel is a patriachial society which has some negative beliefs about women. Women are discredited but this is disapproved by Kahu who assumes a leadership position.
Accept any other relevant introduction.

S t I. Training on cultural ways.
Women are kept away from the training on cultural ways which are considered sacred for men.
T his is proved wrong when Kahu gets interested in Maori culture and is destined to lead the people.

St II. Leadership.
Women are not allowed to assume leadership positions in the community. The chieftaincy is passed on from the eldest son to the eldest son. Kahu shatters this belief for she is poused to become the leader of the community. Nani flowers ancestor, Muriwai was one of the greatest woman chief in her time whose blood Nani believers, throbs in Kahu’s veins.

St III. The ancient bull whale’s return to sea.
When the men fail to make the ancient bull whale to return to the sea, it is Kahu who aids the community and saves it from perishing.

St IV. The heir
Koro Aspirana strongly believes that it must be a male heir to inherit the seat of porourangi. But he is disapproved when Kahu a girl emerges as the chosen one.
Expect details.
lydiajane74 answered the question on November 9, 2017 at 14:04

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