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What are the disadvantages of row planting?


What are the disadvantages of row planting?



It does not provide an ample foliage cover. Thus the soil is liable to being eroded by wind and water.
It is more expensive than broadcasting because of consuming a lot of labour and time.
It requires some skill in measuringthe distances between and within the rows.
Seeds can also be planted by dibbling where the planting holes are dug by use of pangas or jembe, or by a dibbling stick (dibbler). Most of the dibbling is done randomly although rows can also be used when using a planting line.

Random dibbling is not popular in commercial farming due to low levels of production. It is only common among conservative farmers in planting of legumes such as beans, pigeon peas and cow peas.
joseph rimiru answered the question on November 9, 2017 at 19:18

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