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Give the disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship type of business


Give the disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship type of business



Has unlimited liability.This means that if the assets available in the business are not enough to pay all the business debt,personal property of the owner such as house may be sold to pay the debts.

Expansion of the business may be limited by scarcity of capital.

A sole proprietor may work for long hours thereby leaving little time for recreation.
if a sole trader fall sick, the business may experience of difficulties due to lack of adequate management.

Lack of consultation may lead to poor decision making hence affecting the business adversely.

A sole proprietorship may not benefit from advantages realized by large scale enterprise(economies of large scale) such as access to loan facilities and large trade discounts.

Death of the owner may lead to collapse or poor performance of the business arising from poor management by other people who take over the business.

Lack of specialization in the running of the business may lead to the poor performance. This is because one person cannot manage all aspects of the business effectively. one may be a good sale person, for example,but a poor accountant.

The owner bears all the risk and in case of a loss, he\she suffers alone.
Mohaissack answered the question on November 11, 2017 at 07:03

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