i. Church and state have come together in providing education. Many churches have established
colleges, schools and universities/writing syllabus.
ii. The state relies on church advice on various issues including democracy/leadership/governance
iii. The church continues to preach peace, love and unity and need for citizens to be law abiding.
iv. The church mobilizes citizens to adopt government policies like campaign against HIV/AIDS.
v. The church and the state are involved in the rehabilitation of prisoners.
The government isolates law breakers, the church counsels/preaches to them in prison.
vi. The church has been donating food and clothing during disaster/abandoned children and the
aged cared for.
vii. Religious leaders offer prayers during important government functions such as holidays
viii. Both church and state educate citizens on the meaning/importance of constitution.
ix. Christians provide employment and pay government taxes.
x. The state allocates land for construction of churches.
monica20 answered the question on November 11, 2017 at 10:50
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Explain the role of a midwife in African Traditional Societies
Date posted: November 10, 2017. Answers (1)
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(b) Outline SEVEN important ideas that come out of the Benedictus (Lk 1:67-80)
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