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Explain five benefits of mobile phone money transfer services.


Explain five benefits of mobile phone money transfer services.



i) Confidentiality - a secret PIN is used to access information on the account
ii) Ease of use - as the agent assists in carrying out the transaction/can is used even by illiterate
people/easy to understand.
iii) Fast transfer of money to the receiver/without delay.
iv) Convenience - the agents (where money can be deposited/withdrawn) are located close to the
user/the service is easily accessible to the users/agents/phones are found throughout the
country/even in remote places/one can send/receive money at any place.
v) Affordability - the charges for sending/receiving money is low/affordable.
vi) Security/safety - sending money is quite safe/reliable (so long as the correct pin/receivers
phone number is used)/its more safe than carrying cash/one needs a pin to send/receive money.
vii) Acceptability - many people accept it as a way of transferring money/means of payment.
viii) Facilitates m-banking - money can be withdrawn/transferred the mobile phone through bank
ATM machines/transferred to/from bank accounts.
ix) No account maintenance fee for keeping money in the mobile phone.
x) Short/simple procedure to register for the service.
monica20 answered the question on November 11, 2017 at 11:15

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