a) Seedbed preparation
- done early /during dry season
- clear vegetation
- carry out primary cultivation
- Harrow /secondary cultivation to medium tilth
- clear all perennial weeds
- make furrow at appropriate spacing a depth
b) Planting
- cutting slid have 3-5 nodes
- done early / at onset of rain /irrigate if necessary
- Elect desirable variety of Napier grass - use healthy planting materials
- Place cuttings in furrows /hole at recommended spacing
- Cover the planting material with soil at appropriate depth
- Use cuttings /splits for planting
- Select cuttings from mature canes
c) Fertilizer application
- Apply phosphate fertilizer at planting time
- Top dress nitrogenous fert and potassium 6-8wks after planting
- Apply FYM /compost manure before planting
- Apply organic manure after harvesting
d) Weed control
- By cultivation
- uprooting weeds
- By using suitable herbicides
- Inter-planting with legumes that cover the ground
- Weed control slid be done during establishment
e) Utilization
- practice zero grazing / cut and feed napier to an,imals
- cut drain excess foliage to conserve as silage
- Avoid direct grazing by animals
joyce2 answered the question on November 12, 2017 at 08:55
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Name and describe three production zones in agriculture
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b) Undersowing and oversowing
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b) Land reform
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b) Topping in pasture management
c) Stooking in maize production
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