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Describe field production of napier grass under the following sub headings (a) Seedbed preparation (b) Planting (c) Fertilizer application (d) Weed control (e) Utilization


Describe field production of napier grass under the following sub headings
a) Seedbed preparation
b) Planting
c) Fertilizer application
d) Weed control
e) Utilization



a) Seedbed preparation
- done early /during dry season
- clear vegetation
- carry out primary cultivation
- Harrow /secondary cultivation to medium tilth
- clear all perennial weeds
- make furrow at appropriate spacing a depth
b) Planting
- cutting slid have 3-5 nodes
- done early / at onset of rain /irrigate if necessary
- Elect desirable variety of Napier grass - use healthy planting materials
- Place cuttings in furrows /hole at recommended spacing
- Cover the planting material with soil at appropriate depth
- Use cuttings /splits for planting
- Select cuttings from mature canes
c) Fertilizer application
- Apply phosphate fertilizer at planting time
- Top dress nitrogenous fert and potassium 6-8wks after planting
- Apply FYM /compost manure before planting
- Apply organic manure after harvesting
d) Weed control
- By cultivation
- uprooting weeds
- By using suitable herbicides
- Inter-planting with legumes that cover the ground
- Weed control slid be done during establishment
e) Utilization
- practice zero grazing / cut and feed napier to an,imals
- cut drain excess foliage to conserve as silage
- Avoid direct grazing by animals
joyce2 answered the question on November 12, 2017 at 08:55

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