(a) Production of Guatemala grass:
(i) Land preparation:
o Prepare the land early / during dry season.
o Carry out primary cultivation.
o Clear the land.
o Carry out secondary cultivation.
o Secondary cultivation should be of medium tilth.
o Carry out soil and water conservation.
(ii) Planting:
o Planting –Early/onset of rains.
o Established from stem cuttings/splits.
o Seeds can also be used.
o Furrows made at the spacing of 1m apart.
o Cuttings or splits planted at 0.5 m apart within the rows.
o Holes can also be used.
o Use phosphatic fertilizers.
o Use NPK fertilizers.
o Apply at the rate of 150kg/ha NPK.
(iii) Defoliation:
o Harvested when it is over 8-12 weeks because it takes long time to flower
o Harvested by cutting at the base.
(iv) Utilization:
o Chopped and fed to livestock as green fodder.
(b) Procedure for picking pyrethrum:
o Use fore fingers and thumb in picking.
o Pick by twisting the heads so that no stem is left attached.
o Put the picked flowers in the woven basket
steve williams answered the question on November 17, 2017 at 01:14
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ii. Sisal
iii. Pyrethrum
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Describe field production of napier grass under the following sub headings
a) Seedbed preparation
b) Planting
c) Fertilizer application
d) Weed control
e) Utilization
Date posted: November 12, 2017. Answers (1)