Define the term feasibility study and explain three types of feasibility study


Define the term feasibility study and explain three types of feasibility study



Feasibility is defined as the practical extent to which a project can be performed successfully.

Types of Feasibility;Various types of feasibility that are commonly considered include technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and economic feasibility.
-Technical feasibility assesses the current resources (such as hardware and software) and technology, which are required to accomplish user requirements in the software within the allocated time and budget. For this, the software development team ascertains whether the current resources and technology can be upgraded or added in the software to accomplish specified user requirements.
-Operational feasibility assesses the extent to which the required software performs a series of steps to solve business problems and user requirements. This feasibility is dependent on human resources (software development team) and involves visualizing whether the software will operate after it is developed and be operative once it is installed. Operational feasibility also performs the following tasks.
-Economic feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating financial gains for an organization. It involves the cost incurred on the software development team, estimated cost of hardware and software, cost of performing feasibility study, and so on. For this, it is essential to consider expenses made on purchases (such as hardware purchase) and activities required to carry out software development. In addition, it is necessary to consider the benefits that can be achieved by developing the software
Githiari answered the question on November 17, 2017 at 06:56

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