(a) Give three natural causes of earthquakes. (b) (i) Name two types of seismic waves. (ii) What is vulcanicity?(c) State two causes...


a) Give three natural causes of earthquakes.
b)i) Name two types of seismic waves.
ii) What is vulcanicity?
c) State two causes of vulcanicity.



Give three natural causes of earthquakes.

-Movement of magma through crustal rocks/vulcanicity.
-Isostatic adjustment.
-Tectonic movement/faulting/folding.
-Convectional currents in the mantle.
-Gravitative pressure.
-Energy release in the mantle.
b)i) Name two types of seismic waves.
-Primary/P waves.
-Surface longitudinal waves/L waves
-Secondary waves/S waves.
ii) What is vulcanicity?
The process through which liquid or gaseous materials are forced out
of the interior into the earth’s crust or onto the earth’s surface.
c) State two causes of vulcanicity.
-High pressure in the interior of the earth which is released by earth movements.
-High temperatures which cause solid rock material change into molten state/magma.
-Faulting which creates cracks and fissures in the rocks through which magma escapes.
steve williams answered the question on November 17, 2017 at 10:28

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