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(a) Name two exotic beef cattle reared in Kenya. (b) State three characteristics of beef farming


a) Name two exotic beef cattle reared in Kenya.
b) State three characteristics of beef farming.



a) Exotic beef breeds of cattle reared in Kenya.
-Aberdeen Angus
b) Characteristics of beef farming.
i. Manly practiced on extensive, gently sloping land.
ii. It involves rearing of cattle mainly for meat production.
iii. It is done for commercial purposes.
iv. It involves modern methods of livestock rearing like
cross-breeding and artificial insemination.
v. The places where it is practiced have all the basic cattle
requirements like watering point and dips.
vi. Management of the ranches is scientific and movement of the
animals is restricted
steve williams answered the question on November 17, 2017 at 12:48

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