i) Presence of human beings or people in any formal, social organisation, there must be people. Some are professional, highly educated trained with specialised skills while others aren't. They are both males and females; they come with different aptitudes, attitudes, perceptions, drives, expectations, behaviours, complexions and even sizes. However all of them have a purpose or a reason for being in the organisation.
ii)Hierarchical order of positions: - in a formal, social organisation there are different positions that people occupy while serving in it. Such positions are arranged in hierarchy starting with the position that carries the most power or authority to the position holding the least. For example, there are mangers, directors or head teachers positions. Depending on the position held, people are also given relative standing or status in the organisation. Within the organisation hierarchy, there is the inbuilt bureaucracy that typifies each organisation
iii)Roles and activities: as occupants of the various positions people are expected to perform activities, tasks or duties as well as exhibit certain roles. A role is a set of behaviours which a given position occupant is expected to exhibit in the formal social organisation. For example, a mangers manages and makes decisions, a head teacher administers the school activities and makes decisions. But both of them portray different behaviours commensurate with the positions held and activities done iv)Presence of rules and regulations: a formal social organisation has rules and regulations, these are codified or written formally to guide and to be followed by the positions occupants when carrying out their activities and portraying their roles in the formal organisations,
v)Relationships: in a formal organisation there is what is referred to as formal and informal relationships. Formal relationships operate when people are performing organisations tasks, making decisions pertaining to the organisational tasks and also in lines of communication on interaction. Ideally, it is expected that there will be impersonal orientation or detachment, on the part of those in the organisation and its workers are supposed to serve clients. That is a formal social organisation and its workers are supposed to serve all the people equally without favouring some while denying others on the basis of factors like personal feelings, blood relatives or nepotism and friendships. In other words a formal social organisation must be characterised by service neutrality. On the other hand the informal relationships operate mostly during and fro leisure time wherever people are found. Informal relationships are therefore unavoidable during and within the work situations or time, for example telling stories, scandals or just exchanging pleasantries, friendships and holding parties
vi) Presence of goals. Every formal social organisation has goal which it has either been given by the society or it has given itself. All the occupants of positions and their activities must work hard towards the goal attainment of the organisation and its realisation.
vii)Facilities and the structures: the most, if not all formal, social organisations are normally housed in some structures like the buildings, offices and such like. These structures and other facilities inside, permit the organisations to perform its functions easily store as record as well as providing comfort those doing the organisational work.
1)It has a group of people who are expected to perform certain tasks.
2)it has a clear authority structure which is hierarchical.
3)It has clear rules and regulations governing the performance of duties by individuals.
4)It has clearly stated channnel of communication. Each position held in a school relates to what decisions it can make.
5)There are informal relationship among members of the school.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 08:24
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