1)It introduces the teacher to sociological perspectives of education which include ; learners, teachers, the school.
2)It enables the teacher to understand the importance of interaction with the learners in a classroom Situation.
3)Helps the teacher understand the school community in its entirety as part of the larger society.
4)helps the teacher to understand social educational problems that may come up in school or classroom.
5)Helps the teacher understand the social purpose of education from the societal perspective.
6)It prepares the teacher to be a trained agent in the society.
7)Enables the teacher to learn research techniques and how to apply them in sociology of education.
• It equips the teacher with emerging social educational issues for example social class differentiation(children from different family backgrounds)
• It builds the teacher capacity to understand and appreciate the social processes in the classroom and in the school.
• It introduces the teacher to new social perspect6ive different from psychology, anthropology etc.
• It enables the teacher to appreciate the position and the role of the school as an institution within the larger society
• Enables the teacher to realize their roles as changed agents in the larger society.
• The discipline teaches the teacher new research methods and social theories in education.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 08:27
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Give reasons why the school is considered as a formal social organisation.
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