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Do you consider it justifiable to argue that computers actually result in job losses'?


Do you consider it justifiable to argue that computers actually result in job losses'?



I disagree with the statement that computers result in overall job losses. Despite the fact that
computers have resulted in initial job losses, they have created many jobs to offset the initial
losses. These jobs are concerned with systems support, systems development and management
of information technology. The jobs/ roles include:

1. Network administration
This comprises of system administration (providing user support) and maintenance of
computer networks.

2.Systems analysis
This consists in examining a business area to identify areas that need computerization,
designing an information system to meet user requirements and implementing the
information system to solve business problems. Systems analysis carried out by the systems

This involves translating program design into program code in a high-level language.

4.Database administration
This involves managing an organization's database.

5.Systems support
This involves providing technical support to ordinary computer users.

6.Information technology management
It involves overseeing the running of the information technology department. The
information technology manager also works with other senior organization managers to
formulate policies that will help the organization attain a strategic advantage.

7.Data entry
This consists in entering data to the information system through a computer.
It could also be argued that cost savings by firms that have adopted the use of information
technology have been rerouted to other investments/ branches opened thus providing an
opportunity for creation of other non-IT related jobs e.g. management, public relations,
accounting, etc
gregorymasila answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 08:31

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