-Gill Net: This is one of the most effective methods in shallow water fishing. The nets have a mesh, which lets only the head of a fish to go through and then traps it by the gills. Gill nets can be spread vertically across the course of a river on the path of anadromous fish, or can be swerved round in water to allow the fish to move into the net. This method is suitable for catching Tilapia.
-Herbs: Is used in areas where the river is calm. The fishermen crush some herbs and sprinkle in the water. The fish then become unconscious as they take to the surface. The fishermen simply collect from the river using their hands. This method is effective on pelagic fish and in ponds.
-Seining: Here fishing boats with the help of dory (small) boats spread out the seine nets with small meshes in the sea/lake. Once the nets are spread out, the boats may remain stationary or the nets be held in position using floats. The fishermen then give the fish sometime to be trapped. Once the net is full, it is hauled over and the fish emptied on to the ship. This method is used to catch pelagic and anadromous fish, which usually move to the shoals. It is the most effective method used to catch the dagaa on lake Victoria and Tanganyika. If not appropriately used, seining leads to over-fishing because it does not discriminate the ages of the fish being caught.
-Trawling: This involves the pulling of a net by a boat or ship. This method is used to catch demersal fish for example, the cod in deep seas. A net is pulled along sweeping the fish. The net is then hauled into the boat and the fish emptied on board. Trawling is labour – intensive and the catch is high. Large commercial fishing ships are used and the fish processing takes place on the ship. The ships drag the nets slowly thereby collecting all types and sizes of fish.
-Line Fishing: In calm waters, fishing boats spread out long lines with several hooks on them. The floats keep the lines suspended to show the fishermen where the lines are. The baited hooks then catch the fish as they compete to feed. This method is also used to catch mainly demersal fish for example, the cod, usually in shoals.
-Barriers: In flood prone areas, barricades are constructed during the floods to catch fish. The barriers hold water-containing fish. When the water level drops below the height of barriers as floods subside, the fishermen simply scoop the fish. The method is seasonal and relies on floodwaters.
-Traps: In this method paths of anadromous fish are identified, then traps are laid to catch them. The traps, made of either woven reeds or baskets and having the shape of a cone, are placed in such a way that the fish run into them and get trapped. Though slow, the method can catch a lot of fish.
monica20 answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 09:20
- List three types of fish communities.(Solved)
List three types of fish communities.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- List four factors that influence population distribution in Kenya.(Solved)
List four factors that influence population distribution in Kenya.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify three importances of foreign trade to Kenya.(Solved)
Identify three importances of foreign trade to Kenya.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- State two reasons for imposing of quotas in regional trade.(Solved)
State two reasons for imposing of quotas in regional trade.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Mention three factors that have favoured horticulture industry in Kenya.(Solved)
Mention three factors that have favoured horticulture industry in Kenya.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give two disadvantages of biomass as a source of energy.(Solved)
Give two disadvantages of biomass as a source of energy.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- State any three solutions being undertaken to solve the problem of traffic congestion in the city of Nairobi(Solved)
State any three solutions being undertaken to solve the problem of traffic congestion in the city of Nairobi.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- What is a ‘Hinterland’?(Solved)
What is a ‘Hinterland’?
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Explain three factors which favour the development of softwood forests in both Kenya and Canada. (ii) State two major differences between the mode...(Solved)
(i) Explain three factors which favour the development of softwood forests in both Kenya and Canada.
(ii) State two major differences between the mode of exploitation of forests in Kenya and Canada.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) State three measures undertaken to conserve forests in Kenya. (ii) What is Agroforestry? (iii) Explain why the government of Kenya encourages agroforestry...(Solved)
i) State three measures undertaken to conserve forests in Kenya.
ii) What is Agroforestry?
iii) Explain why the government of Kenya encourages agroforestry in the country.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Why is forestry regarded as a ‘Robber Industry’? (b) Distinguish between forestry management and forest conservation(Solved)
a) Why is forestry regarded as a ‘Robber Industry’?
b) Distinguish between forestry management and forest conservation.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Name two exotic beef cattle reared in Kenya. (b) State three characteristics of beef farming(Solved)
a) Name two exotic beef cattle reared in Kenya.
b) State three characteristics of beef farming.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Differentiate between horticulture and market gardening. (b) State three factors which explain the concentration of horticulture around Naivasha(Solved)
a) Differentiate between horticulture and market gardening.
b) State three factors which explain the concentration of horticulture around Naivasha.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Name two counties in Kenya where wheat is grown. (b) State three problems which face plantation farming.(Solved)
a) Name two counties in Kenya where wheat is grown.
b) State three problems which face plantation farming.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Differentiate the word forest from forestry. (b) Name any two exotic soft-wood species grown in Kenya. (c) Give one reason why exotic...(Solved)
a) Differentiate the word forest from forestry.
b) Name any two exotic soft-wood species grown in Kenya.
c) Give one reason why exotic softwood trees were introduced in Kenya.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) List three ways by which minerals may occur. (b) Name one mineral which is called energy mineral. (c) What is the term...(Solved)
(a) List three ways by which minerals may occur.
(b) Name one mineral which is called energy mineral.
(c) What is the term O.P.E.C in full?
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- Your class is required to carry out a field study on desert features resulting from wind action (i)State three reasons why you may need to...(Solved)
Your class is required to carry out a field study on desert features resulting from wind action.
i. State three reasons why you may need to sample parts of the desert.
ii. List two sampling techniques you are likely to use.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Give three processes of wind erosion in deserts. (ii) Name three features that form as a result of water action in deserts.(Solved)
i) Give three processes of wind erosion in deserts.
ii) Name three features that form as a result of water action in deserts.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- i) Explain three reasons why wind is the main agent of erosion in hot deserts.(ii) State four factors that influence wind deposition in the desert....(Solved)
i) Explain three reasons why wind is the main agent of erosion in hot deserts.
ii) State four factors that influence wind deposition in the desert.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Differentiate between aridity and desertification. (ii) Name two types of deserts.(Solved)
(i) Differentiate between aridity and desertification.
ii) Name two types of deserts.
Date posted: November 17, 2017. Answers (1)