Give four differences between fishing in Kenya and fishing in Japan.


Give four differences between fishing in Kenya and fishing in Japan.



i. In Kenya both marine and fresh water fishing is carried out while in Japan only marine fishing is
ii. Inadequate capital inhibits fishing in Kenya whereas in Japan there is availability of capital and
so fishing is highly developed.
iii. In Kenya traditional methods of fishing is very common feature while in Japan it is modern
fishing method that features.
iv. In Kenya the volume of catch is low/carried out on small scale. Japan on the other hand is done
on a large scale /High catch. v. In Kenya fish research is limited whereas in Japan there is
advanced research in fishing.


Kenya has a regular coastline which is affected by strong sea waves while Japan has irregular coastline with suitable breeding grounds

Kenya has warm sea water which is less conducive for fish and planktons while Japan has cool water which is conducive for fish and planktons

Conditions in Kenya like climate and relief favour farming hence less fishing while in Japan rugged topography discourages agriculture making fishing to be the best alternative

In Kenya, there is limited local market which is confined around fishing grounds while in Japan there is a large local market

In Kenya traditional methods of fishing and preservation oared sued while in Japan modern fishing and preservation methods are used

In Kenya there is limited fish species while in Japan there are many species of fish
Kenya has insufficient capital to invest in fishing while Japan has adequate capital to invest in the fishing industry

In Kenya there is limited research on fish while in Japan there is a lot of research on fish.
monica20 answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 09:21

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