1)Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)-it involves Automate handling of data about business activities like transactions. A TPS collects and stores information about transactions, and controls some aspects of transactions. A transaction is an event of interest to the organization. e.g. a sale at a store. They performs the following activities:
- It is often tied to other systems such as the inventory system which tracks stock
supplies and triggers reordering when stocks get low;
- It serves the most elementary day-to-day activities of an organization;
- It also supports the operational level of the business;
- It supplies data for higher-level management decisions (e.g. MIS,
EIS); is often critical to survival of the organization;
mostly for predefined, structured tasks;
- It can have strategic consequences (eg. airline reservation system);
2)Management Information Systems (MIS)-. it Converts raw data from transaction processing system into meaningful form. Condenses and converts TPS data into information for monitoring performance and managing an organization.
3)Decision Support Systems (DSS) –it is designed to help decision makers and Provides interactive environment for decision making. Helps strategic management staff (often senior managers) make decisions by providing information, models, or analysis tools. For support of semi-structured and unstructured decisions (structured decisions can be automated). Used for analytical work, rather than general office support.
- They are flexible, adaptable and quick. The user controls inputs and outputs. They support the decision process and often are sophisticated modeling tools so managers can make simulations and predictions. Their inputs are aggregate data, and they produce projections. - - An example job for a DSS would be a 5 year operating plan.
4)Expert Information Systems (ES)-it Replicates decision making process it also involve Knowledge representation which describes the way an expert would approach the problem. Also known as an Executive Support System (ESS) provides executives information in a readily accessible, interactive format. They are a form of MIS intended for top-level executive use. An EIS/ESS usually allows summary over the entire organization and also allows drilling down to specific levels of detail. They also use data produced by the ground-level TPS so the executives can gain an overview of the entire organization.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 10:35
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Briefly describe the key features of a product, event or transaction that make it suitable for bar coding.
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