Suggest possible uses for an expert system within the Customer Database Department.


Suggest possible uses for an expert system within the Customer Database Department.



Possible uses of an expert system within a customer database department:
1.Producing a list of customers who are eligible/ can be granted credit transactions. This is
after evaluation of past credit history and the financial capability of each customer.
2.Deciding whether a debt can be considered as a bad debt. The expert system could assess
the duration, the amount and the credit/ payment history of a customer to determine
whether a debt should be classified as a bad debt. This information is useful for
accountants as they draw up the relevant accounts.
3.Marking customers as deceased after a reasonable period of time e.g. A customer who
registered with an organization while 35 years old could be considered deceased after 80
years. This enables a realistic count of the organization‘s current customers.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 18, 2017 at 17:26

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