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(a ) Name three types of desert surfaces (b) Explain three processes through which wind erode the desert surfaces


(a) Name three types of desert surfaces.
(b) Explain three processes through which wind erode the desert surfaces.



(a)Types of deserts surfaces.
—Sandy deserts.
—Stony deserts.
—Rocky deserts.
(b)Processes of wind erosion.

(i) Abrasion
This erosion which is caused by the loose or weathered materials transported by wind when they comes in contact with rock surfaces.

(ii) Attrition
This takes place when the sand grains which are being transported by wind, collide against one another and wear down each other in size

(iii) Deflation
This occurs when the wind removes dry and unconsolidated materials especially sand and dust from bare surfaces through rolling them on the ground and lifting them in air.
steve williams answered the question on November 20, 2017 at 00:38

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