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Examine the factors which may complicate the audit of computerised systems


Examine the factors which may complicate the audit of computerised systems



Information systems audit
This is an activity aimed at reviewing and evaluating whether proper and adequate
information system controls, procedural controls, and physical facility controls have been
developed and implemented. The scope of an information systems audit includes:
o Budgeting and finance
o New systems development
o Applications
o Operations
o Data security and
privacy o Recovery
Factors that may complicate the audit of computerized systems:
1.Large system size
A large system size implies that each scope of the audit will have many subsets of
activities. This necessitates proper planning and scheduling of the activities. Therefore a
large system size makes the audit long.
2.Absence of software to assist in the audit.
This would mean that the entire audit would have to be manual. This is tedious.
3. Uncooperative staff (Information systems staff)
The information systems auditor will be required to interview information systems staff
concerning the use of the system i.e. the activities and procedures involved. Uncooperative
staff would complicate the task of the auditor.
4. Complex organizational structure
The MIS auditor is required to have a thorough understanding of the organizational structure
before performing an audit. This is because the organizational structure largely determines
information flows within the organization and thus the audit. A complex organizational
structure would thus complicate the work of the auditor.
5. Many system interfaces
A system interface is a point where two systems meet and share inputs and outputs.
Numerous system interfaces make it difficult to trace system inputs and outputs during
sample transactions.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 20, 2017 at 15:25

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