The organisation for which you work is contemplating designing a batch processing system to manage their payroll applications and a real-time system to manage their...


The organisation for which you work is contemplating designing a batch processing system to manage their payroll applications and a real-time system to manage their inventory applications.
Giving reasons recommend a suitable file design for each of the two systems.



Batch processing system
This refers to a system where data is collected together over some interval of time and then
processed together as a batch
Real-time system
This refers to a computer system capable of processing data so quickly that the results are
available to influence the activity currently taking place.
Suitable file designs:
For the batch-processing system, I would recommend a database system of files with sequential
organization (records are arranged according to the value of a certain field e.g. records may be
arranged according to employee number in the employees file). The payroll program requires
data from different files (e.g. personnel, accounts, etc) to generate a payroll. An integrated file
approach/database system would thus enable the payroll application(s) to access many different
files without problems of data redundancy.
For the inventory applications, I would recommend application specific files (Files (on any
media) in which records are grouped according to a common purpose or dedicated to a single
application.) Inventory applications such as stock inventory systems require only specific types
of data e.g. stock Id, description, stock quantity, price, etc, which can be organized and maintained in a specific file e.g. a stock file or a stock inventory application. With an application
specific system, file security is maintained since the files are read from and updated by specific
programs, to which access is limited, usually by a password, the programs used to access the
files being in a user account or accessible area.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 20, 2017 at 15:34

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