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Identify the major factors that influence the structure of an information system


Identify the major factors that influence the structure of an information system



Factors that influence the structure of an information system:
1.The nature of an organization
This would influence the standard operating procedures and tasks of a system.
2.Changes in Information technology
These changes influence the hardware and software since an organization will be forced to
upgrade to keep up with such changes. They include changes in the version of an operating
system e.g. from Windows 95 which has limited networking and security capabilities to
Windows 98 which has advanced networking and security capabilities. Changes in hardware
may be due to the introduction of faster microprocessors e.g. the Intel Pentium IV 2.6
GHz microprocessor which will force organization‘s running real time applications to
upgrade in order to improve on response times.
3.Environmental factors such as legislation, business market conditions.
Legislation influences the standard operating procedures of a system by specifying the dos
and don‘ts e.g. the Company law in Kenya lays a frame work for the operation of
companies. Market conditions may dictate the system outputs e.g. Competition may force a
business to design the system to produce periodic reports that enable the progress of the
organization to be gauged.
4.The people in the system
The staff that works with an information system may influence the information that is
contained in a system. For example, knowledge workers such as doctors and engineers may
influence the content of the systems they handle since they are supposed to contribute to
the information contained in the systems.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 20, 2017 at 15:51

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