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Write the synopsis of the short story The President by Mariatu Kamara


Write the synopsis of the short story The President by Mariatu Kamara



The narrator lies down in front of her captors and waits.They tell her to go.She stands up and turns towards the football pitch.One of the m tells her to wait which she does.A couple of the boys grabs guns from their backs and point them at her.She waits for the older rebel to shoot her.He walks closer and tells her to choose punishment before she leaves.She yells and starts running but the older rebel catches up with her.She prays for Allah to let one of the bullet strays kill her.They chop off her hands with machete and tell her to go to the president and show him what they did to her because she wont be able to vote for him .She wakes up at hospital in pain .The doctor tells her she is pregnant.She doesn't understand how this happens but after being explained to how babies are made,she remembers it was Salieu,an old man at the village who had declared he was going to make her a second wife.He grabbed her one day and forced her to have an affair but told her not to tell anybody.

The narrator had been living in a small village of Manarma with her aunt Marie and her husband Alie before this incident.The rebels want to throw a government which they accuse of corruption.Her cousins are captured and tied, one is dragged away by her hair.Many of people are killed.Three of her cousins survive with their hands cut off.They unite in freetown. They go in a camp for amputees.They earn a living through begging in the street.She gives birth to a baby boy Abdul.This earns her more money in the street before Abdul dies from malnutrition.

Bill from Canada calls to assist her and she goes to Toronto.She moves on later to live with a couple,Kadi and Abou Nabe. Kadi enrolls her to do English as a Second language. Rumours goes around that UN had soldiers to initiate peace.NGOs are also evacuating victims through international agencies.

She is enrolled to a high school.She learns how to use a laptop designed for people with disability.She finally manages to write her name,Mariatu Kamara.
marto answered the question on November 28, 2017 at 12:54

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