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Outline the disadvantages of renting a computer.


Outline the disadvantages of renting a computer.



1.The productivity of the machine comes down with time but rental charges remain the same.
2.In breach of the rental agreement, the computer and the rented facilities may be repossessed by the manufacturer.
3.The renting company usually pays more for any extra work done by the computer and its facilities, that was not covered in the rental agreement.
4.The computer and the related facilities remain assets of the manufacturer and hence cannot be used by renting company as a security.
5.This method of acquiring the computer and its facilities is usually expensive in long term, that is, with time more computer varieties and its related facilities may be in the market hence prices fall, but rental charges remain fixed.

Jonmhumble answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 08:19

Next: Outline the advantages of purchasing a computer.
Previous: Outline the advantages of leasing a computer.

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