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Why are expert information systems not popular in business systems?


Why are expert information systems not popular in business systems?



Expert information system
This refers to a knowledge intensive information system that captures expertise of a human in
limited domains of knowledge. Expert information systems can assist decision making by asking
relevant questions and explaining the reasons for adopting certain actions.
Reasons why expert information systems are not popular in business systems:
1.They are quite narrow, shallow and brittle. They typically perform very limited tasks that
can be performed by professionals in a few minutes or hours.
2.They are expensive to purchase since they contain captured human expertise.
3.Expert systems cannot handle exceptional decision making situations which are
typical of day-to-day business. For instance, CLUES, an expert system used by Countrywide
Funding Corp. in Pasadena, California, USA is able to process normal loan applications
with 95% accuracy but it‘s unreliable when faced with exceptional situations such as those
involving a self-employed person or complex financial schemes. Such exceptional situations
are best handled by insurance underwriters.
4.Incase a poor decision is made, a business organization cannot hold the expert system
accountable because it‘s not a person rather it‘s a tool. The organization can only pursue
those responsible for developing the system if tit was in-house developed. If it was
purchased or outsourced, then the organization must have a really good case for it to hold
the concerned organization responsible. However, if a manager of an organization makes a
poor decision, he/she would be fully accountable. Human decision makers can be
questioned regarding the success or failures of their decisions.
5.As much as expert systems provide solutions to business problems, they are not used
inisolation. They are used together with a human decision maker who considers the
advicefrom the expert system before giving the final decision. Thus, expert systems do not
contribute to substantial cost reductions due to downsizing of staff.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 16:13

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