Explain Ways in which a GUI makes a system user friendly


Explain Ways in which a GUI makes a system user friendly.



1.GUIs minimize the time taken to perform trivial operations e.g. opening a file.
Forinstance, to open a file in the GUI environment of the windows range of operating
systems one only has to double-click on the icon (graphical symbol) representing the
2.One doesn't have to memorize commands with a GUI as compared to a
command-driven interface. Hence, GUIs make it very easy to learn how to use a system
3.GUIs minimize the typing of data required from the user because they provide
agraphical means to supplement typing of data. Hence, they are convenient to system
4.It is easy to access help form a GUI as compared to other interfaces such as
command-driven interfaces. To access help, for instance, in a windows operating system
environment, one only has to locate and click-on the help option in the menu bar of the
program‘s window. For a command-driven interfaces such as that of Microsoft
DOS(disk operating system), one has to recall the help command before he/she can
access help. If the user has no clue of the help command, then he/she is stuck.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 20:03

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