Using your own experience, explain why more and more software is being purchased for windows environment as opposed to character based environment


Using your own experience, explain why more and more software is being purchased for windows environment as opposed to character based environment.



Reasons why more and more software is being purchased for windows environment as
opposed to character-based environment.
1.The windows environment saves on training of users. Most software developed for the
windows environment conforms to some basic standards. For instance, there are always
three buttons to the top right end of each window for the purposes of minimizing, closing
or maximizing the window. Usually, also, there is always a menu-bar present in all program
windows to provide users with various options. Since most software applications adhere to
these standards, users of windows environment software can easily learn how to use many
more software after learning how to use one software. Command/character-based systems
have minimal standards. For instance, there are no conventions as to the naming of
commands. This makes it very difficult to learn many different programs produced for
character-based environments.
2.Majority of the software today is based on a windows environment because its user
friendly. Hence, customers have a wide variety to choose from.
3.Since majority of the software available is for the windows environment, organizations
continue to purchase more and more windows-based software as compared to character-
based software in order to ensure compatibility with already existing systems.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 20:13

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