Why do organisations automate reasoning or decision making tasks which human beings are naturally better able to perform than computers?


Why do organisations automate reasoning or decision making tasks which human beings are naturally better able to perform than computers?



Reasons for automation of decision making roles:
1.To achieve speed in making structured decisions e.g. an order to restock when
stocklevels are low could automatically be implemented by a computerized solution to
decision making.
2.By automating structured decisions, human beings are freed to more
complexstructured decisions that require creativity, which is not provided for in
3.Computers are more reliable when it comes to making routine decisions. A human
beingis capable of forgetting to perform a routine decision e.g. restocking particularly when
under stress. Computers on the other hand, are programmed and thus they cannot forget to
perform routine tasks. Infact, they are excellent at routine tasks.
4.A computerized solution to decision making is cheaper than a human solution
todecision making. Managerial decision makers usually offer their expertise at a high cost. A
computerized solution to decision making would only involve an initial investment cost and
subsequent maintenance costs which are in the long run cheaper.
5.Objectivity- computers are totally objective. Human beings could have other factors
thatmay affect their reasoning (e.g. anger) which could end up compromising the decisions
they make.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 20:37

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