(a) (i)Fish farming.
This is the rearing of fish in pond.
(ii)Name three major areas where fish farming is practised in Kenya.
(b) (i)Explain how the following factors influence fishing presence of ocean current.
?Areas covered by warm ocean currents e.g. Benguela current in Africa.
?Cold current have conducive temperature for the growth of planktons which inturn encourage the flourishing of fish.
(ii)Nature of the coastline
?Deep coast line with wider continental shelves encourage the growth of planktons and thus large fish population.
?Combine sheltered from strong winds and ocean currents have much fish.
?Indented coastline encourage deep sea fishing since they allow the anchorage of large vessels and development of ports.
(c) (i)Identify the method of fishing shown seining.
(ii)Describe how the method is practised in L.Victoria. Fishing boats with the help of another boats.(Dry)spread out the same net in the lake.
?Net is held in postion using floats.
?Net is held to some weights to keep it in water.
?The net is alfashed to the boat which surrounds a shoal of fish.
?The net is pulleed from both ends.
?The net is hauledd over and fish are emptied.
steve williams answered the question on November 21, 2017 at 23:29
- Use the map below to answer the question that follow(Solved)
Use the map below to answer the question that follow

(i)Name the minerals mined in areas marked A and D
(ii)State three economic benefits of mining of the mineral in region A
(iii)List two uses of the mineral mined in region A
Date posted: November 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the similarities of fishing in Kenya and Japan(Solved)
Give the similarities of fishing in Kenya and Japan
Date posted: November 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the differences between softwood in Kenya and Canada (Solved)
Give the differences between softwood in Kenya and Canada
Date posted: November 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions below(Solved)
Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions below

(i)Name the forest reserves marked J,K and L.
(ii)Explain four factors that favour the growth of natural forest in the area marked J
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents a sketch map of the Great lakes and St. Lawrence seaway.Use it to answer the questions below.(Solved)
The diagram below represents a sketch map of the Great lakes and St. Lawrence seaway.Use it to answer the questions below.

Name (i)canals marked N and Q
(ii)The lakes marked O
(iii)The ports marked M
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents underground features in limestone area.use it to answer questions that follow.(Solved)
The diagram below represents underground features in limestone area.use it to answer questions that follow.

(i)Name the features marked D,E and F
(ii)Describe how feature marked G is formed.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Study the diagram below and answer the question below(Solved)
Study the diagram below and answer the question below

Name features marked Z,Q and M
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Suppose you intend to carry out a field study of the Mau forest.
(i) Mention two preparations you would do before the actual field study.
(ii) List...(Solved)
Suppose you intend to carry out a field study of the Mau forest.
(i) Mention two preparations you would do before the actual field study.
(ii) List two problems facing the Mau forest you would discover.
(iii) Suggest two solutions you would recommend to solve the above problems.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a ) Name three types of desert surfaces (b) Explain three processes through which wind erode the desert surfaces(Solved)
(a) Name three types of desert surfaces.
(b) Explain three processes through which wind erode the desert surfaces.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain two positive significance of features found in Limestone areas.(Solved)
Explain two positive significance of features found in Limestone areas.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Describe three main characteristics of the tropical rain forest (ii) State three uses of Savannah vegetation.(Solved)
(i) Describe three main characteristics of the tropical rainforest.
(ii) State three uses of Savannah vegetation.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how the following factors affect vegetation type and distribution (i) Aspect (ii) Biotic factors(Solved)
Explain how the following factors affect vegetation type and distribution.
i. Aspect
ii. Biotic factors
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain five positive significance of Vulcanicity to Human activities.(Solved)
Explain five positive significance of Vulcanicity to Human activities.
Date posted: November 20, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Name two spheres of external structure of the earth (b) State two characteristics of the inner core.(Solved)
(a) Name two spheres of external structure of the earth.
(b) State two characteristics of the inner core.
Date posted: November 19, 2017. Answers (1)
- State two factors that may make the data collected from a school weather station to be inaccurate.(Solved)
State two factors that may make the data collected from a school weather station to be inaccurate.
Date posted: November 19, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a)Name two theories that explain the origin of the solar system.(Solved)
(a) Name two theories that explain the origin of the solar system.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Study the diagram below and answer the questions in (a)(i)(Solved)
Study the diagram below and answer the question below

Name features marked Z.Q and M
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain four steps the government of Kenya has taken to increase coffee yield.(Solved)
Explain four steps the government of Kenya has taken to increase coffee yield.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain three main causes of decline in coffee production in Kenya.(Solved)
Explain three main causes of decline in coffee production in Kenya.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)
- State five causes of fish depletion in East Africa.(Solved)
State five causes of fish depletion in East Africa.
Date posted: November 18, 2017. Answers (1)