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List four problems encountered when using standard files for data processing systems.


List four problems encountered when using standard files for data processing systems.



Standard files
These independent files which are maintained for a unique purpose by the various functional
components of an organization e.g. an employees file may be maintained by the human
resources department to hold employee records. Various standard files may contain the same
data e.g. employee name and employee number may be contained in the employees file and also
in the pensions file. This situation is referred to as data redundancy. Standard files are being
phased out by the database approach to filing which creates interrelationships amongst files to
reduce the amount of data that is duplicated.
Problems encountered when using standard files for data processing systems:
1. Data redundancy and confusion
When many files hold the same data a lot of filing space is wasted storing duplicate data. It
also difficult to know which file contains the correct version of the data since the versions
of the data contained may differ due to incomplete or omitted updates.
2.Program-data dependence
When each program has its own file, problems arise when changes have to be made to the
data in the files. In such a case, changes also have to be made to the programs accessing the
data. This process may be lengthy and costly to an organization because of the expertise
3.Poor Security
It is difficult to administer security over each individual file maintained by an organization
as compared to administering security over a system of related files.
4.Lack of data sharing and availability
Standard files do not facilitate data sharing since each application maintains its own file.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 22, 2017 at 15:28

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