Configuration- involves initializing the network, enrolling new members, controlling
thetopology, keeping equipment inventories, etc
Performance monitoring- involves monitoring throughputs, delays, detecting packet
andframe errors, etc for all layers of communication
Fault isolation- involves detection of faulty conditions on the network, tracing of errorsources,
and general text and maintenance aids.
Accounting- involves keeping a record of the usage of network resources for billing
purposese.g. recording the usage of a shared printer by each department for the purposes of
billing, recording the total time spent on a dial-up connection by each department for the
purposes of billing, etc
Security- involves access control, encryption and authentication, reporting of break-in
attemptsand success.
Security implications of remote network management:
1.Unauthorized access would have to be detected immediately and the terminal involved
identified to so as to effectively control unauthorized access.
2.Data at every node would have to be secured from un-authorized modification or deletion
so as to prevent destruction of data at any node in the network.
3.The security function of network management would have to be centralized on a terminal
so as to simplify the administration of security.
4.All data in transit would have to be secured remotely to prevent eaves dropping.
5.A log of all accesses to the network must be maintained to enable the network manger
identify instances of successful unauthorized access and employ the relevant preventive
Security mechanisms needed for remote network management:
1.Username and password systems- to prevent unauthorized access
2.Use of audit trails. The audit trails could be maintained by the network operatingsoftware.
Audit trails enable instances of unauthorized access to be identified thus enabling
preventive mechanisms to be put in place to stem unauthorized access in future.
3.Data encryption to prevent unauthorized access.
4.Record and file locking to prevent simultaneous update of files thus maintaining
integrityof transactions.
5.Use of firewalls to prevent protect the network from external threats e.g. hackers
(ii) Challenges facing the convergence of networks in business organizations:
1.Incompatibility of different organizational networks
Organizational networks may be incompatible because of the hardware in the networks or the
protocols in the networks and this may prevent the convergence of networks.
2. Security concerns
Organizations may be reluctant to converge their networks because converging the networks
would expose individual organizational networks to more security threats e.g. hackers who may
corrupt organizational data
3. Competition amongst business organizations
Fierce business competitors may be reluctant to converge their networks because convergence
would imply sharing of data in the network which may be perceived as a threat to the
competitive advantage of an organization with respect to its competitors.
4. Cost concerns
Convergence of networks would imply interconnection costs which vary according to the
medium used to interconnect the networks. For instance, a satellite link to the nodes in the
network would be very expensive as compared to a phone line link.
5. Lack of uniformity in legislation across many countries
Most countries in Africa lack well-defined data protection laws and computer crime laws in
contrast to European nations that have well defined laws put in place (e.g. The Data protection
act of England). It‘s clear that convergence of networks across such states may bring about
problems since what may pass as law in one country may not pass as law in another country.
Perpetrators of computer crime may take advantage of this opportunity.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 23, 2017 at 13:18
- Examine two disadvantages of using direct access storage devices(Solved)
Examine two disadvantages of using direct access storage devices.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Human intelligence can be defined as a person‘s ability to solve problems, utilize logic and think critically. Discuss the major differences between human intelligence and artificial...(Solved)
Human intelligence can be defined as a person‘s ability to solve problems, utilize logic and think critically.
Discuss the major differences between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give four examples of industries and business organizations that are currently using computer networking(Solved)
Give four examples of industries and business organizations that are currently using
computer networking.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Briefly describe the following two elements of software quality and explain howeach element can be measured:(i.) Functional correctness of the software. (ii.) Reliability of...(Solved)
Briefly describe the following two elements of software quality and explain how each element can be measured:
(i.) Functional correctness of the software.
(ii.) Reliability of the software.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed for remote network management(Solved)
(i) Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security
implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed
for remote network management.
(ii) Examine some of the challenges facing the convergence of networks in business
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Who should be involved in a requirement review? Suggest their role in the requirement review(Solved)
Who should be involved in a requirement review? Suggest their role in the requirement review.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between the following terms:(i.) Hardware and software;(ii.) Application software and system software;(iii.) Bit and byte; (iv.) RAM and ROM;...(Solved)
Differentiate between the following terms:
(i.) Hardware and software;
(ii.) Application software and system software;
(iii.) Bit and byte;
(iv.) RAM and ROM;
(v.) Data and information.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe three major factors that affect the performance of a computer operation.For each factor, state one example of measurement.(Solved)
Describe three major factors that affect the performance of a computer operation.
For each factor, state one example of measurement.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Examine the issues to be considered when planning for information systems training(Solved)
Examine the issues to be considered when planning for information systems training.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the following database security features: (i) Authorization (ii) Authentication(Solved)
Explain the following database security features:
(i) Authorization
(ii) Authentication
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the functional components of a typical computer system(Solved)
Describe the functional components of a typical computer system.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe how a software developer can make use of the internet. (Solved)
Describe how a software developer can make use of the internet.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Kenfin Ltd is a medium size commercial bank having branches in major towns in Kenya. The bank provides over the counter services and is planning...(Solved)
Kenfin Ltd is a medium size commercial bank having branches in major towns in Kenya. The bank provides over the counter services and is planning to introduce online banking services. The online banking services will enable the bank to centralize some information processing systems while decentralizing others. You are the project manager overseeing the implementation of the online banking services project.
(i.) What information systems services would you recommend to be centralized or
decentralized? Justify your answer citing any assumptions made.
(ii.) Describe three key risks that may affect the duration and/or cost of the project.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Computerized accounting/financial systems still need internal controls to enhance the integrity of such systems. Explain four internal control procedures that need to be put in place...(Solved)
Computerized accounting/financial systems still need internal controls to enhance the integrity of such systems. Explain four internal control procedures that need to be put in place to guarantee the integrity of such systems.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In many computer installations, the most common form of terminal is the visual display unit (VDU). State and explain key features of a VDU terminal....(Solved)
In many computer installations, the most common form of terminal is the visual display unit (VDU). State and explain key features of a VDU terminal.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In the context of computer programming, differentiate between source code and object code.(Solved)
In the context of computer programming, differentiate between source code and object code.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- What does an organization's approach to system conversion depend on?(Solved)
What does an organization's approach to system conversion depend on?
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- It is claimed that fourth generation languages (4GLs) can reduce delays in applications development and make information freely and readily available.Comment on this statement discussing four...(Solved)
It is claimed that fourth generation languages (4GLs) can reduce delays in applications development and make information freely and readily available.
Comment on this statement discussing four grounds that consistently support or disapprove it.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Suggest the three types of decisions that a management accounting information system can support indicating the type of accounting information required to support each decision(Solved)
Suggest the three types of decisions that a management accounting information system can support indicating the type of accounting information required to support each decision.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In most organisations. the accounting function ranks among the first activities to be computerized. There are various reasons ashy some activities have to be computerised...(Solved)
In most organisations. the accounting function ranks among the first activities to be
computerised. There are various reasons ashy some activities have to be computerised
before others. These reasons range from staff shortage to initial cost outlay and
maintenance costs.
(i) Name and explain any four unique properties of the accounting functions that
make it necessary for computerization.
(ii) List four accounting functions that can be automated or computerized.
Date posted: November 22, 2017. Answers (1)